J-GLOBAL ID:201801008486400560
Update date: Dec. 22, 2024 Nakata Taiki
ナカタ タイキ | Nakata Taiki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Specially Appointed Lecturer
Research field (1):
Material fabrication and microstructure control
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7): - 2022 - 2026 新たなミクロヘテロ構造の導入による高強度・高成形性マグネシウム合金圧延材の開発
- 2021 - 2024 Challenges for the microstructure control in high-speed extruded magnesium alloys using coherent precipitates
- 2021 - 2023 新しい時効硬化型マグネシウム押出材の創製 -高性能と高耐食性の同時実現-
- 2019 - 2021 Development of microstructure control technology and high-peformance Mg alloy sheets
- 2018 - 2021 Elucidation of texture formation mechanism of heat-treatable magnesium alloys and its application to improvement of room temperature press formability
- 2015 - 2018 マルチスケール組織制御による汎用熱処理型マグネシウム合金展伸材の高強度・高延性化
- 2014 - 2017 Development of heat treatable magnesium sheet alloy controlling the precipitate microstructure
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Papers (96): -
Xuanyi SHAO, Taiki NAKATA, Yukio MIYASHITA, Bui Phuong THAO, Nan ZHANG, Shigeharu KAMADO. Effect of Filler Material on Fatigue Strength in Mg-4%Al-1%Ca-0.2%Mn Alloys and its MIG and TIG Weld Joints. Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan. 2024. 73. 12. 926-932
T. Nakata, K. Kikuchi, K. Sato, Y. Onishi. Unique strengthening effect in additively manufactured bimetallic Mild Steel and Stainless Steel. Materials Letters. 2024
T. Nakata, C. Xu, K. Kaibe, L. Geng, S. Kamado. Role of Al content on tensile properties and stretch formability of Mg-Al-Mn alloy sheet produced by continuous hot-rolling. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2024. 910
T. Nakata, T. Ohkawa, S. Kanitani, Y. Matsumoto, M. Ogawa, K. Shimizu, S. Kamado. Significance of segregation on grain refinement and property improvement in extruded Mg-Al-Mn alloy with moderate Al content. Materials Letters. 2024. 366
Zhao Yang, Chao Xu, Shengnan Song, Taiki Nakata, Shigeharu Kamado. High Performance Mg Alloy with Designed Microstructure and Phases. Materials. 2024. 17. 11
more... MISC (11): -
中田大貴. マグネシウム合金押出材の特性評価と今後の展望. 月刊車載テクノロジー (車載テクノロジー). 2022. 10. 2. 61-64
清水和紀, 中田大貴, 鎌土重晴. 高速押出し型難燃性マグネシウム合金の開発と高速車両構体への適用. 金属. 2022. 92. 6. 569-574
中田大貴, 鎌土重晴. Recent Trend of Research and Development in Wrought Magnesium Alloys for Automobiles. ぷらすとす. 2021. 4. 37
中田大貴, 鎌土重晴. 軽量構造部材創製のための革新的汎用マグネシウム合金の開発. 金属. 2020. 90. 7. 571-577
Taiki NAKATA, Shigeharu KAMADO. Development Trend on Magnesium Alloy. Journal of The Surface Finishing Society of Japan. 2020. 71. 3. 200-204
more... Patents (6): Books (1): - マグネシウム合金の最先端技術と応用展開(担当箇所:高速押出し型マグネシウム合金押出材の特性)
シーエムシー出版 2020 ISBN:9784781315058
Lectures and oral presentations (67): -
Heat-treatable Mg-Al-Ca-Mn alloy sheet with room-temperature formability
(3rd Indo-Japan Bilateral Symposium on Futuristic Materials and Manufacturing-Sustainable Development Goals 2022)
Development of a low-cost and room-temperature formable Mg alloy sheet with in-plane isotropic tensile properties
Development of room-temperature formable Mg alloy sheets with high strengths
(44th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2020) 2020)
(SPring-8 Seminar(第292回) 2019)
(第27回マグネシウム技術研究発表会 2019)
more... Awards (13): - 2024/11 - 一般社団法人軽金属学会 第42回軽金属奨励賞 汎用・高性能マグネシウム合金展伸材の開発
- 2024/04 - 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2023年度 日本機械学会賞(技術) Mg合金を用いた競技用ハイパフォーマンス車いすの開発
- 2023/03 - Journal of Magnesium and Alloys Outstanding Youth Committee Member Award
- 2023/03 - Journal of Magnesium and Alloys Excellent Reviewer Award
- 2021/11 - 一般社団法人 軽金属学会 軽金属学会最優秀希望の星賞
- 2019/06 - 一般社団法人 日本マグネシウム協会 日本マグネシウム協会賞奨励賞
- 2019/03 - The Minerals, Metals Materials Society 2016 LMD Magnesium Technology Best Paper Award - Fundamental Research-, TMS 2016 145th Annual Meeting & Exhibition
- 2015/06 - 国立大学法人 長岡技術科学大学 Best Poster Award (The 4th International GIGAKU Conference in Nagaoka)
- 2015/03 - 国立大学法人 長岡技術科学大学 学生表彰
- 2014/03 - 一般社団法人 軽金属学会 第6回 軽金属学会 希望の星賞
- 2014/03 - 公益社団法人 日本金属学会 第22回 日本金属学会・鉄鋼協会 奨学賞
- 2013/09 - IUMRS-ICA Second Poster Award (2013 IUMRS 12th International Conference in Asia)
- 2012/03 - 日本機械学会 畠山賞
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