J-GLOBAL ID:201003036880960548


Applicant, Patent owner:
Agent (1): 八田国際特許業務法人
Gazette classification:公開公報
Application number (International application number):2008282199
Publication number (International publication number):2010108873
Application date: Oct. 31, 2008
Publication date: May. 13, 2010
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (5):
H01M 4/525 ,  H01M 4/505 ,  H01M 10/50 ,  H01M 2/10 ,  H01M 10/44
FI (5):
H01M4/52 102 ,  H01M4/50 102 ,  H01M10/50 ,  H01M2/10 K ,  H01M10/44 101
F-Term (29):
5H030AA01 ,  5H030AS08 ,  5H030FF22 ,  5H031AA00 ,  5H031HH06 ,  5H031KK03 ,  5H031KK08 ,  5H040AA28 ,  5H040AA29 ,  5H040AS07 ,  5H040AT04 ,  5H040AY05 ,  5H040NN03 ,  5H050AA08 ,  5H050BA17 ,  5H050CA01 ,  5H050CA07 ,  5H050CA08 ,  5H050CA09 ,  5H050CA29 ,  5H050CB03 ,  5H050CB07 ,  5H050CB08 ,  5H050CB09 ,  5H050CB12 ,  5H050EA10 ,  5H050EA24 ,  5H050HA02 ,  5H050HA14
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (6)
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Cited by examiner (7)
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