Yoshitaka Kimori. A Morphological Image Preprocessing Method Based on the Geometrical Shape of Lesions to Improve the Lesion Recognition Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks. IEEE Access. 2022
Rei Nishimoto, Sandra Derouiche, Kei Eto, Aykut Deveci, Makiko Kashio, Yoshitaka Kimori, Yoshikazu Matsuoka, Hiroshi Morimatsu, Junichi Nabekura, Makoto Tominaga. Thermosensitive TRPV4 channels mediate temperature-dependent microglia movement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2021. 118. 17. e201289411
Using image-based resources: databases for plant organelle dynamics, and applications based on image information, In Introduction to Sequence and Genome Analysis I
iConcept Press 2013
Quantitative measurement of mobility of cell colony using image analysis methods for quality control of oral keratinocytes: A preliminary study
(5th Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society World Congress)