遠藤 智明. Synthesis and evaluation of new type of water-soluble fullerne materials. PACIFICHEM 2010 (米国・ハワイ) OGAN 720. (ポスター発表). 2015
遠藤 智明. Synthesis and Evaluation of New Type of Water Soluble Inclusion Complex of γ-Cyclodextrin with 1,3-Dione Adduct [60] Fullerene . 第13回国際有機化学京都会議(IKCOC-13)要旨集, PA(C)-063.(ポスター発表). 2015
遠藤 智明. Synthesis and Structure of a New Type of γ-Clodextrin Complexed Bulky [60] Fullerene Derivative. The 16th International Synposium for Nobel Aromatic Compouinds (ISNA-16) (Madrid, Spain) PSA-109. (ポスター発表). 2015
Synthesis and Evaluation of water-soluble Fullerene produced with Three-dimensional Ball mill
(Pacifichem2021 2021)
Synthesis of aromatic compounds with Three-dimensional Ball Mill
(日本化学会第100春季年会2020 2020)
The Three-dimensional Ball Mill (3DBM) for the Synthesis of Aromatic Compounds
(The 18th International Symposium on Novel Aromatic Compounds (ISNA-18) 2019)
Organic Synthesis with Three-dimensional Ball Mill using Liquid Materials as Starting Materials
(第99回日本化学会春年会 3B4- 48 2019)
Efficient and Convenient Mechanochemical Synthesis using Three-Dimensional Ball Mill
(The 14th International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry (IKCOC-14) 2018)