Hisayoshi Muramatsu, Yoshihiro Itaguchi, Chiharu Yamada, Hiroshi Yoshizawa, Seiichiro Katsura. Direct Comparisons of Upper-Limb Motor Learning Performance Among Three Types of Haptic Guidance With Non-Assisted Condition in Spiral Drawing Task. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2024. 32. 2545-2552
Kazuya Umeno, Yoshihiro Itaguchi. Bilateral vs unilateral motor imagery training: effects on motor execution performance and ERD. Advanced Robotics. 2024
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2020/11 - WiNF 2020 (Workshop on Informatics) 奨励賞 深層学習モデルを使用した簡易的な失行検査の運動学的定量化方法の提案
2020/07 - 第43回日本神経科学大会 ジュニア研究者ポスター賞 Forearm-weight changes influence the height of reach-to-grasp movements
2020/05 - 第43回日本神経科学大会 国内Travel Award Testing of factors which the effect of engine sounds and vibrations on the reduction of motion sickness in a motorcycle simulator
2019/11 - WiNF2019 (Workshop on Informatics) 奨励賞
2018/12 - 2018年度第3回 「顔・身体学」領域会議 若手研究者 Travel Award