K. Ota, T. Nagai, T. Miyazaki, M. Matsumoto, K. Matsuzawa, S. Mitsushima, H. Imai, A. Ishihara. Zirconium Oxide-Based Compounds as Non-Platinum Cathodes for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells. ECS Transaction. 2017. 11. 77. 1465-1472
Group 4 and 5 metal oxide-based compounds as non-precious cathodes for PEFC (Invited)
(IUMRS-ICA2014(International Union of Materials Research Society - International Conference in Asia) 2014)
Group 4 and 5 metal oxide-based compounds as new non-platinum cathode for PEFC(招待講演)
(PRiME2012(Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science) 2012)