CO2削減に向けた次世代エネルギー技術ハンドブック Handbook for Advanced Technology of New Energy toward Reduction of CO2 Emission
リアライズ社 2001
オーム社 1998
Design Technology of Fusion Reactors
World Scientific 1991
講演・口頭発表等 (23件):
Plasma Experiments on an Internal Coil Device with an High Temperature Superconductor
(Bulletin of the American Physical Society 2003)
Design of a toroidal plasma confinement device with a levitated super-conducting internal coil
(1999 Workshop on Nonneutral Plasmas 1999)
A New Poloidal-bundle Divertor for a Spherical Tokamak
(6th IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Fusion Power Plant Design 1998)
Design of a Volumetric Neutron Soucre with a Steady-state Tokamak Device
(. 6th IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Fusion Power Plant Design 1998)
Transport Simulations using ITER Profile Database and Comprehensive Comparison between L- and H-mode Plasmas,
(Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society 1998)
, 低温工学会
, The physical Society of Japan
, Atomic Energy Society of Japan
, 日本原子力学会
, プラズマ・核融合学会
, Cryogenic Association of Japan
, The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research