Hiroshi Wakuya, Ryoki Nishimura, Hideaki Itoh, Nobuo Mishima, Sang-Hoon Oh, Yong-Sun Oh. An application of genetic algorithm to evacuation route planning for ICT-based disaster prevention design aiming at real-world implementation. ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications --- An International Journal of Research and Surveys. 2017. 8. 11. 1537-1544
Hideaki Itoh, Yoshitaka Sakai, Toru Kadoya, Hisao Fukumoto, Hiroshi Wakuya, Tatsuya Furukawa. Using model uncertainty for robust optimization in approximate inference control. Artificial Life and Robotics. 2017. 22. 3. 327-335
Hiroshi Wakuya, Yu Horinouchi, Hideaki Itoh, Hisao Fukumoto, Fukumoto Tatsuya. An analysis of multi-dimensional data containing emphasized items by self-organizing map and its application to sightseeing information analysis. SOFT COMPUTING. 2017. 21. 12. 3345-3352
Yasuhisa Okazaki, Seina Mori, Hiroshi Wakuya, Nobuo Mishima, Yukuo Hayashida, Byung-Won Min. Development of a sustainable community-based hazard map creation support system for traditional towns with local heritage. International Journal of Contents. 2016. 12. 2. 58-65
Towards general artificial intelligence for incomplete information games
(Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 25th 2020), GS3-3 2020)
Practical evaluation of ICT-based self-made regional safety map through residents' workshop in a historical local town
(Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2019), Vol.2 2019)