Takura Wakinaka, Minenosuke Matsutani, Jun Watanabe, Yoshinobu Mogi, Masafumi Tokuoka, Akihiro Ohnishi. Ribitol-Containing Wall Teichoic Acid of Tetragenococcus halophilus Is Targeted by Bacteriophage phiWJ7 as a Binding Receptor. Microbiology Spectrum. 2022. 10. 2. e0033622
Akihiro Ohnishi, Yuji Hasegawa, Naoshi Fujimoto, Masaharu Suzuki. Biohydrogen production by mixed culture of Megasphaera elsdenii with lactic acid bacteria as Lactate-driven dark fermentation. Bioresource Technology. 2022. 126076
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Hou-ChiaTseng, Naoshi Fujimoto, Akihiro Ohnishi. Characteristics of Tepidimicrobium xylanilyticum as a lactate-utilising bacterium in polylactic acid decomposition during thermophilic anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology Reports. 2020. 12. 100596
Hou-Chia Tseng, Naoshi Fujimoto, Akihiro Ohnishi. Biodegradability and methane fermentability of polylactic acid by thermophilic methane fermentation. Bioresource Technology Reports. 2019. 8. 100327
Microbial Factories:「Megasphaera as Lactate- Utilizing Hydrogen-Producing Bacteria」を単著
Springer 2016
Microbial Factories
Springer India 2015 ISBN:9788132225973
Clostridia: Biotechnology, Medicinal Applications and Implications:Potential use of Megasphaera Elsdenii as a hydrogen producerを単著
Nova Biomedical:ISBN 10: 1621007618 2012