Hybrid Silicon Nanoelectromechanical Devices: Physics and Applications
(UK-Japan Workshop on Novel Phenomena and Technologies in Semiconductor Nanostructures 2010)
Inelastic single-electron tunneling assisted by confined phonons observed for suspended silicon double quantum dots
(QDCAM2010 2010)
VHF Plasma process for size-controlled Si nanodot fabrication
(2010 International Symposium on Atom -scale Silicon Hybrid Nanotechnologies for 2010)
Pauli Spin Blockade in a Lithographycally-defined Silicon Double Quantum Dot
(QNSP2010 2010)
Magnetic field dependence of resonant tunnelling between an InAs quantum dot and an InGaAs quantum dot
(QNSP2010 2010)
- 1979 Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Integrated Science and Engineering
- 1979 Tokyo Institute of Technology Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering
- 1974 Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Science
Professional career (1):
Doctor of Engineering
Work history (4):
1986 - 1995 Tokyo Institute of Technology Associate Professor
1995 - Tokyo Institute of Technology Professor
1979 - 1986 Tokyo Institute of Technology Research Associate
Tokyo Institute of Technology Collaborative Research Center for Happiness Co-Creation Society through Intelligent Communications Specially Appointed Professor
Committee career (1):
2003 - 2004 応用物理学会 理事
Awards (8):
2007 - Fellow
2007 - フェロー
2002 - Fujino Awards
2002 - 藤野研究賞
1995 - Performance Awards, ISTEC and MRS
1995 - Performance Awards, ISTEC and MRS
1983 - Tejima Awards
1983 - 手島研究賞
Show all
Association Membership(s) (11):
IEEE Electron Device Society
, Electrochemical Society
, American Physical Society
, Japan Society for Applied Physics
, 応用物理学会
, Electrochemical Society
, IEEE Electron Device Society
, American Physical Society
, 電気化学会
, 電気学会
, 日本結晶成長学会