- 2023/09 - JSAP Young Scientist Award
- 2022/12 - SEMI, Japan Semicon Japan, Academia Awards, Sponsor Award
- 2022/12 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2022/12 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2021/12 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2021/12 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2019/07 - Committee of APAC-Silicide 2019, JSAP Young Scientist Award (APAC-Silicide 2019) Comparison of crystalline quality and electrical property of Mg2Si crystals grown using PBN and PG graphite crucible
- 2018/11 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2018/11 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2017/11 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2016/12 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2016/07 - Committee of APAC-Silicide 2016, JSAP Young Scientist Award (APAC-Silicide 2016)
- 2015/03 - 応用物理学会 第75回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演奨励賞(指導学生)
- 2014/11 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2014/11 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2014/07 - Committee of ICSS-Silicide 2014, JSAP Young Scientist Award (ICSS-Silicide 2014) Evaluation of Mg2Si pn-junction depth by sputter etching
- 2013/11 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2013/11 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2013/11 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2013/11 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2013/07/28 - Committee of APAC-Silicide 2013, JSAP Young Scientist Award (Asia-Pasific Conference on Green Technology with Silicides and Related Materials, APAC-Silicide 2013)
- 2012/11 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2010/11 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2010/11 - Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ
- 2007/12 - Ibaraki branch, IEEJ Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ Growth and characterization of Mg2Sn
- 2005/11 - Ibaraki branch, IEEJ Best presentation student award, Ibaraki branch, IEEJ Thermoelectrical properties of single crystalline beta-FeSi2
- 2004/01 - Takayanagi Kenjiro Foundation Young Scientist Award (Takayanagi Kenjiro Foundation) 波長1.5μm帯で発光するSi系発光ダイオードに関する研究