Research theme for competitive and other funds (16):
2024 - 2029 文学・芸術の理解における「不定性」を持つ認知状態の探求
2023 - 2029 Ritsumeikan University
2023 - 2025 Hierarchical structure of knowledge networks and hierarchical analogical reasoning
2021 - 2025 人は多義的な文章をいかに理解するのか:文章の循環的理解の研究
2022 - 2023 量子確率を用いた不定な文章理解とその効果の認知研究
2021 - 2022 量子認知に基づく解釈多様な文章理解過程の数理的解明
2020 - 2022 物語理解に潜在する循環的情報処理の解明
2020 - 2021 物語理解に潜在する循環的情報処理の解明
2020 - 2021 物語理解に潜在する循環的情報処理の解明
2019 - 2020 文章に潜在する意図の遷移図式推定による解釈学的循環過程の解明
2015 - 2016 文学作品における感情の変化と読解処理変化の関係の推定
2015 - 2016 物語の進展に伴う読者の認知処理の動的変化過程推定
2014 - 2015 物語読書中の感情研究のための身体・生体情報分析
2014 - 2015 読書中の映像データと生体計測による物語読書中の熱中状態観測手法の構築
2014 - 2014 Cognition and Action Jagillonian-Rutgers Conference in Cognitive Science 発表補助
2013 - 2014 非線形解析による読書中の熱中状態解明のための共同研究・研究会
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Papers (21):
Miho Fuyama. Estimating a Time Series of Interpretation Indeterminacy in Reading a Short Story Using a Quantum Cognition Model. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. 2024
Miho Fuyama. Does the coexistence of literal and figurative meanings in metaphor comprehension yield novel meaning?: Empirical testing based on quantum cognition. Frontiers in Psychology. 2023. 14. 1146262
Komeda Hidetsugu, Fuyama Miho. Cognitive science for narrative and art: Past, present, and future. Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society. 2023. 30. 1. 74-80
Miho Fuyama, Hayato Saigo. Worth of the indeterminacy of interpretations and the prospects of text comprehension studies based on the quantum cognition. Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society. 2022. 29. 1. 100-119
YOKOSUKA Takaomi, FUYAMA Miho, SAIGO Hayato, TAKAHASHI Tatsuji. Dynamic properties of theory of indeterminate natural transformation. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI. 2022. JSAI2022. 4K3GS102-4K3GS102
Terada Kazunori, Fuyama Miho, Hayashi Yugo. Introduction to the debate: Limitation and possibility of models of others. Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society. 2023. 30. 4. 531-535
Fuyama Miho, Saigo Hayato. Toward the capability of indeterminacy. Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society. 2023. 30. 4. 389-390
布山, 美慕. 「人間科学研究交流会」報告 第56回 : 解釈多様性を考慮した文章理解の認知. 人間科学研究 = Waseda Journal of Human Sciences. 2022. 35. 1. 267-268
Saigo Hayato, Hidaka Shohei, Takahashi Kohske, Fuyama Miho. References for cognitive scientists to learn category theory: Questions on category theory and answers, utility of category theory in cognitive science, and tutorial materials. Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society. 2021. 28. 1. 70-83
2017/09 - Japanese Cognitive Science Society 2016年度日本認知科学会奨励論文賞 Describing Temporal Changes of Absorption with Reader's Physical Measures
2017/02 - 奨励賞
2016/06 - Japanese Cognitive Science Society Travel Grant from the Japan Cognitive Science Society Context-dependent Processes and Engagement in Reading Literature
2016/01 - Forum of knowledge co-creation The 5th forum of knowledge co-creation Knowledge Co-creation Award The Analysis of Cognitive Processing on Reading Based on Time Interval of Paging
2015/03 - Forum of knowledge co-creation The 5th forum of knowledge co-creation Houga Award The Analysis of Cognitive Processing on Reading Based on Time Interval of Paging
2014/05 - The Japanese Society for Artificial Interlligence The 28th JSAI Annual Conference Award Constructing Measures and Definition of Absorption in Reading