J-GLOBAL ID:201601001931366599   更新日: 2022年01月31日

石川 祐子

イシカワ ユウコ | ISHIKAWA Yuko
研究キーワード (1件): 老化
論文 (40件):
  • Naoto Hashimoto, Kyu-Ho Han, Manabu Wakagi, Yuko Ishikawa-Takano, Katsunari Ippoushi, Michihiro Fukushima. Bile acids induced hepatic lipid accumulation in mice by inhibiting mRNA expression of patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 3 and microsomal triglyceride transfer protein. Nutrition Research. 2021. 92. 12-20
  • Mie Nishimura, Naoki Tominaga, Yuko Ishikawa-Takano, Mari Maeda-Yamamoto, Jun Nishihira. Effect of 12-Week Daily Intake of High-Lycopene Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum) PR-7 on Lipid Metabolism: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study. Nutrients. 2019. 11. 5. E1177
  • 一法師 克成, 斎藤 新, 石川(高野) 祐子, 大池 秀明, 小堀 真珠子, 山本(前田) 万里. Quantification of protein NP24 in tomato and PR5-like protein in sweet pepper. 農研機構研究報告 食品研究部門 = Bulletin of the NARO,Food Research. 2018. 2. 53-58
  • Jun Watanabe, Takato Muro, Masuko Kobori, Yuko Takano-Ishikawa. Changes in quercetin content and antioxidant capacity of quercetin-rich onion cultivar 'Quer-Gold' during cooking. Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi. 2018. 65. 2. 63-66
  • Manabu Wakagi, Jun Watanabe, Shingo Takahashi, Akemi Yasui, Yuko Takano-Ishikawa. Inter-laboratory Validation Study of a Singlet Oxygen Absorption Capacity Assay Method for Determining the Antioxidant Capacities of Antioxidant Solutions and Food Extracts. FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH. 2017. 23. 3. 481-485
MISC (11件):
特許 (18件):
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