Koki Okuno, Naoki Okada, Kosuke Iwaide, and Nobuhiko Ozaki. In segregation influence on properties of InAs quantum dots in dots-in-a-well. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2024. 63. 5. 055507 1-5
Yota Koyama, Hisaya Oda, Naoki Ikeda, Yoshimasa Sugimoto, Nobuhiko Ozaki. Proposal and numerical verification of an ultrasmall terahertz source using integrated photonic crystal waveguides for highly efficient differential frequency generation. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2023. 62. SG. SG1033 1-5
Toshiya Tsuji, Nobuhiko Ozaki, Sho Yamauchi, Katsuya Onoue, Eiichiro Watanabe, Hirotaka Ohsato, Naoki Ikeda, Yoshimasa Sugimoto, David T. D. Childs, and Richard A. Hogg,. Tunable Laser with Emission-Wavelength-Controlled InAs Quantum dots for 1.1-μm Waveband Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography Applications. Extended Abstracts of the 2020 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2020). 2020. 315-316
"OCT with a visible broadband light source applied to high-resolution nondestructive inspection for semiconductor optical devices" in M. Wang ed. "Optical Coherence Tomography and Its Non-medical Applications"
IntechOpen 2020 ISBN:9781789842623
"Application of Liquid Laser Ablation: Organic Nanoparticle Formationand Hydrogen Gas Generation" in D. Yang ed. "Applications of Laser Ablation - Thin Film Deposition,Nanomaterial Synthesis and Surface Modification"
Intech 2016 ISBN:9789535128120
"Photonic crystal all-optical switches" in B. Li and S. J. Chua eds. "Optical switches -Materials and design-"
Woodhead Pub. Ltd. 2010 ISBN:9781845695798
"Advanced Growth Techniques of InAs-system Quantum Dots for Integrated Nanophotonic Circuits" in H. Mohamed ed. "Handbook of Self Assembled Semiconductor Nanostructures for Novel Devices in Photonics and Electronics"
Elsevier Science 2008 ISBN:9780080463254
Low-coherence optical interference using a low-group-velocity and low-dispersion photonic crystal waveguides for an ultra-small OCT system
(37th Int. Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conf. (MNC 2024) 14P-1-38 2024)
Emission wavelength control of InAs quantum dots via the growth conditions of the capping layers for broadband superluminescent diode applications
(23rd Int. Conf. Molecular Beam Epitaxy (ICMBE2024) TH-PS-38 2024)
2016/07 - 2017/08 The 29th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS 2017) International Program Committee Member, Vice-chair of Local Program Sub-committee