Regulation of nanostructures by liquid crystalline polymers
(山形大学理学部講演会 2018)
Split-ring resonator arrays towards metamaterials fabricated by nanoimprint lithography
(The 2nd Int'l Workshop on Chromogenic Materials and Devices 2017)
Unidirectional orientation of inorganic nanorods by cooperative interaction of liquid crystals
(グリーンプロセスインキュベーションコンソーシアム(GIC) 28年度第49 2016)
Unidirectional orientation of nanostructures comprising nematic liquid crystalline polymers
(2nd International Conference on Photoalignment & Photopatterning 2016)
Photo-induced reorientation behaviors of mesogens in sub-50 nm-thick thin films of nematic liquid crystalline polymers by photo-Fries rearrangement
(第65回高分子学会年次大会 2016)