Piotr Derugo, Amanuel Haftu Kahsay, Krzysztof Szabat, Kosuke Shikata, Seiichiro Katsura. A Novel PI-based Control Structure with Additional Feedback from Torsional Torque and Its Derivative for Damping Torsional Vibrations. Energies. 2024. 17. 4786
Mateusz Malarczyk, Seiichiro Katsura, Marcin Kaminski, Krzysztof Szaba. A Novel Meta-Heuristic Algorithm Based on Birch Succession in the Optimization of an Electric Drive with a Flexible Shaft. Energies. 2024. 17. 4104
Force Estimation of Multi-DoF Manipulator Based on Virtual Environment Quarrier Using Gated Recurrent Unit
(The 10th IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control, and Optimization, SAMCON2024-KYOTO 2024)
Position Control of Ankle Joint Using Functional Electrical Stimulation
(The 10th IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control, and Optimization, SAMCON2024-KYOTO 2024)
Environmental Impedance Estimation Based on Confidence Score of Object Detection Model
(The 10th IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control, and Optimization, SAMCON2024-KYOTO 2024)
Three-Dimensional Motion Mechanism with Tendon-Driven Gravity Compensation
(The 10th IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control, and Optimization, SAMCON2024-KYOTO 2024)
In-Hand Manipulation Considering Disturbance Based on Modal Control
(The 10th IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control, and Optimization, SAMCON2024-KYOTO 2024)
2012/01 - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Associate Editor
2009/04 - 2011/03 電気学会 産業応用部門 編修広報委員会 幹事
2011 - 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門 メカトロニクスシステム部会 幹事
2011 - International Journal of Computer Vision & Signal Processing Editorial Board
2008 - 2010 電気学会 モーションコントロールの先進応用に関する協同研究委員会 幹事
2010 - IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Technical Committee on Motion Control Member
2010 - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Guest Editor
2010 - 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門 触覚部会 委員
2010 - ISRN Communications and Networking Editorial Board
2010 - IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Technical Committee on Sensors and Actuators Member
2007/04 - 2009/03 電気学会 産業応用部門 編修広報委員会 委員
2006 - 2008 IEEE 信越支部 Standing Committee 委員
2005 - 2007 電気学会 環境適応型モーションコントロール協同研究委員会 委員
2007 - 電気学会 産業応用部門 論文委員会 委員
受賞 (50件):
2022/07 - The 15th International Conference on Human System Interaction, HSI2022-MELBOURNE The Best Paper Award of the 15th International Conference on Human System Interaction, HSI2022-MELBOURNE
2021/06 - 30th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE2021-KYOTO Recognition Award for commitment to organizing attractive special session as an organizer
2021/06 - 30th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE2021-KYOTO Recognition Award for commitment to organizing attractive track as a track chair
2021/03 - IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control, and Optimization, SAMCON2021-KASHIWA Outstanding Paper Award
2015/03 - SAMCON2015 Recognition Award for Contribution as Steering Committee Member
2015/03 - ICM2015 Recognition Award for Commitment to Proposing and Organizing Attractive Session
2015/03 - ICM2015 Recognition Award for Contribution as Special Session Chair
2014/03 - AMC2014 Recognition Award for Commitment to Proposing and Organizing Attractive Session
2014/03 - AMC2014 Recognition Award for Contribution as Steering Committee Member
2013/12 - 財団法人 FA財団 論文賞
2013/10 - CEATEC JAPAN 2013 CEATEC AWARD 2013 審査員特別賞 温熱覚通信システム
2013/06 - 一般財団法人安藤研究所 安藤博記念学術奨励賞
2012/10 - IEEE Industrial Electronics Society The Best Cited Author
2012/10 - IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Excellent Contribution to the IECON2012-MONTREAL
2012/10 - IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IEEE IES 2012 Best Conference Paper Award Vibration Suppression of Resonant System by Using Wave Compensator
2011 - Outstanding Contribution to the HSI2011-YOKOHAMA
2011 - The Best Paper Award of the 4th International Conference on Human System Interaction, HSI2011-YOKOHAMA
2010 - Best Paper Award of the 14th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology, ICMT2010-OSAKA
2010 - Mecatronics2010 Recognition Award
2010 - 公益財団法人 三井住友海上福祉財団 三井住友海上福祉財団賞
2010 - AMC2010 Recognition Award
2009 - 電気学会 優秀論文発表賞
2009 - 財団法人 矢崎科学技術振興記念財団 平成20年度 矢崎学術賞 奨励賞
2008 - The Best Paper Award of the 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, EPE-PEMC '08
2008 - IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Outstanding Contribution to the AMC 2008