University of Fukui Faculty of EngineeringDivision of Engineering Department of Human and Artificial Intelligent Systems Division of Advanced Informatics and Machinery
About University of Fukui Faculty of EngineeringDivision of Engineering Department of Human and Artificial Intelligent Systems Division of Advanced Informatics and Machinery
Research field (3):
Control and systems engineering
, Mechanics and mechatronics
, Robotics and intelligent systems
Research keywords (6):
Learning Control,Adaptive Control
, 学習制御,適応制御
, ロボットハンド, 物体操作
, 作業支援,メカトロニクス
, 学習適応制御, 自動生成
, RT ミドルウェア, 制御
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
2003 - 2010 アルミ管溶接用3次元回転台の開発
2010 - RT ミドルウェアを用いた制御系構築に関する研究
2007 - ロボカップ・レスキュー用地図データの生成に関する研究
2006 - 数式処理ソフト Maxima を用いた学習適応制御則の自動生成に関する研究
2000 - ロボットハンドの制御に関する研究
Learning Control and Adaptive Control for Robot Manipulators
Learning Control and Adaptive Control for Robot Manipulators
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Papers (19):
Yoshiaki Taniai and Tomohide Naniwa. Joint Trajectory Planning Based on Minimum Euclidean Distance of Joint Angles of a Seven-Degrees-of Freedom Manipulator for a Sequential Reaching Task. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics. 2019. 23. 6. 997-1003
Munadi, T.Naniwa, Y.Taniai. An adaptive controller dominant type hybrid adaptive and learning controller for geometrically constrained robot manipulators. Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation. 2012. 3. 2. 137-148-148
Munadi, T.Naniwa. An adaptive controller dominant type hybrid adaptive and learning controller for robot manipulators. Proceedings of International Symposium on Flexible Automation. 2010
Munadi, T.Naniwa. Proposition of an adaptive controller dominant type hybrid adaptive and learning controller for robot manipulators. Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems. 2009
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Autonomous Minirobots for Research and Edutainment (K.Murase, K.Sekiyama, N. Kubota, T.Naniwa, J. Sitte, eds)
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany 2005